Antibodies and Immunoglobulins

Antibodies and Immunoglobulins

    All Antibodies are Immunoglobulins but All Immnuglobulins are not Antibodies.
    Ig are glycoprotiens.

    Source for preparation of Human Gamma GlobulinsPlacenta
    Smallest IgIg G 
    Largest IgIg M 
    Heat Labile IgIg E 
    Reagenic AntibodyIg E 
    Earliest Antibody to be Synthesised Ig M 
    Ig that crosses PlacentaIg G 
    Ig with Minimum LifeIg E 
    Ig that protects SurfacesIg A 
    Mainly Intravascular IgIg M 
    Warm AntibodiesIg G 
    Cold AntbodiesIg M 
    Ig Present in MilkIg G and Ig A 
    Commonest Ig DeficiencyDeficiency of Ig A.