Commonest Site Of Intestinal Lesions

Commonest Site Of Intestinal Lesions

  • Commonest Site Of Intestinal Lesions

    Lymphoma( Non hodgkins)Stomach (Least : Rectum)
    Adenomatous polypiSigmoid, rectum
    Polypi in Puetzjeghers syndromeAlways Jejunum is involved
    Familial Polyposis and Gardener’s syndromeColon
    ZES gastrinomaPancreas
    Carcinoma small intestineJejunum
    Carcinoma Colon Sigmoid colon and ectosigmoid,
    Tuberculosis UlcerSmall Intestine( transverse)
    Typhoid UlcerSmall Intestine ( Longitudinal)
    Crohn’s diseaseStarts at or near Ileocaecal Valve
    Ulcerative ColitisStarts at rectum
    Hirshprung’s Diseaseupper limit is Rectosigmoid junction
    Diverticulosis90% in sigmoid ( Rectum is never involved)
    Perforation in TyphoidSmall intestine near Ileocaecal Junction
    Pneumatosis CystoidesSmall Intestine
    Immobile part of ColonLast 7.5 cms of Pelvic Colon
    Loop ColostomyTransverse Section
    Commonest Type of IntussesceptionIleocaecal
    Intussesception with gangreneIleocaecal
    Intussesception in infantLast 50 cms of ileum
    Intussesception in old peopleColocolic By Pappilary Carcinoma
    Intussesception in adoloscentInverted Meckel’s Diverticulum
    Volvulus Neonatorum Midgut( Whole small intestine and Caecum)
    Volvulus Small intestineTower ileum
    Ischemic ColitisSplenic flexure
    Dilatation of Gut in Chaga’s diseaseOesophagus and Colon
    in Blast Injury Pelvic Colon