Heat Stable and light sensitive | Vitamin K and Riboflavine | |
Vitamin required for electron Transport (Coenz. Q) | K1, B2 | |
Dopa and Gaba : Metabolism depend on | Pyridoxine | |
For the Function of Co.A | Pantothenate | |
Folic acid is | Pteroyl Glutamic acid | |
Folinic Acid is | Citrovorum factor | |
Erythrocyte Maturation Factor | B 12 | |
Vitamins Stored in Liver | A, D, K, B 12, Folate | |
Vitamin Stored in fat | D | |
Richest Source of Vitamin A | Codliver Oil | |
Vitamin E | Halibut Liver oil | |
Prophylactic Dose of Vitamin A | 66,000 Micrograms | |
Main Source of Thiamine in Indian Diet | Cereals | |
P.E. T and Achalasia are expected to be due to deficiency of | Thiamine | |
Yellow Crystalline Substance | Riboflavine | |
Red Crystalline Substance | B 12 | |
White Crystalline Substance | Ascorbic Acid | |
Vitamins Which are present in animal Foods only | B12, D | |
Heat Labile Vitamins | Vitamin C and Folic acid | |
Vitamins That are synthesised in Gut (Flora) | B2, B12 ( Not useful) and Vitamin K | |
In body (Skin) | Vitamin D | |
F.I.G.L.U excretion is secreted in deficiency of | B 12 | |
Methylmalonic acid Excretion is increased in deficiency of | B 12 | |
Worm infestation causing B 12 deficiency | Diphyllobothrium Latum | |
Vitamin which is an antoxidant | Vitamin E | |
Vitamin useful in the treatment of methemoglobinemia | Vitamin C ( Methylene Blue also useful) | |
Vitamins with which Hypervitaminosis occurs | A and D | |
Vitamin deficiency which leads to convulsions | Pyridoxine | |
Vitamin useful in treatment of Homocystinuria | Pyridoxine | |
Vitamin useful in treatment of Alcaptonuria | Vitamin C | |
Vitamin that is used peripheral vascular disease | Vitamin E. ( For intermittent Claudication) | |
Vitamins that causes Hemolysis | Vitamin K | |
Vitamin that causes Neonatal Jaundice | Vitamin K | |
Vitamin that causes sensory polyneuropathy in megavitamin doses | Pyridoxine | |
Vitamin deficiency that causes pseudo paralysis | Vitamin C, Vitamin D | |
Vitamin for wound healing | Vitamin C | |
Magenta red tongue is due to deficiency of | Riboflavine | |
Raw beef tongue is due to deficiency of | Niacin | |
Cataract formation and Corneal vascularisation are due to deficiency of | Riboflavine | |
Vitamin that does not cross placenta | Vitamin D | |
Vitamin Destroyed by Ultra – Violet Light | B 12 | |
Folic acid deficiency may be caused by | (A) Phenytoin(B) Primidone( C)Phenobarbitone(D) Aminopterin( E) Methotrexate( F) Pyrimethamine( G) CTM (H) Oral Contraceptives |