Life Span
Neutrophils 2-4 days
Lymphocytes 2-3 days
Eosinophils 8-12 days
Platelets 9-11 days
Basophils 12-15 days
Half Life
Heparin 60- 90 minutes
Factor VIII 8 hours
Fibrinogen 100 hours
Albumin 20- 26 days

Hb A Alpha 2, Beta 2
Hb F Alpha 2, Gamma 2
Hb A 2 Alpha 2, Delta 2
Hb H Beta 4
Hb S Beta 6 val- glu
Hb Barts Gamma 4

Blood Coagulation factors
1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10 Produced in liver
2, 7, 8, 9, 10 Levels increased with oral contraceptives
2, 7, 9, 10 Vitamin K required
2, 7, 10 Prothrombin time helps to know the deficiency state
1. 2. 10 Both PTT and PT increased in deficiency
5, 8 unstable in stored blood
5, 10 good for growth of hemophilus organisms

Thrombin time is used to monitor heparin activity
Uraemia Burr cells are seen
Cirrhosis Spur cells are seen
Iron depletion Seen in Iron deficiency anaemia, polycythemia vera
Thalassemia minor Decreased osmolysis, microcytic hypochromic anaemia, increased HbA2.
Sickle cell anaemia Tactoids and sickling seen.
Acquired spherocytosis Schistocytes present, Coombs positive
Hereditary spherocytosis Coombs negative
Aplastic anaemia Platelets maximum affected and last to recover, Pancytopenia present
Pernicious anaemia and Folate deficiency anaemia Anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, fragmented RBC , neutrophil lobes increased, platelets normal. Absolute reticulocyte count low.
Sideroblastic Anaemia
Ring Sideroblasts present (These are Iron granules in mitochondria around the nucleus)
Microcytic, hypochromis RBC
Macrocytic hypo or normochromic RBC
Polycythemia vera Increased RBCs, platelets and Leukocytes Splenomegaly esent
Myeloid metaplastia and Myelofibrosis Giant Platelets
Macrocytic Anaemia
‘Tear Drop’ poikilocytes
Leukoerythroblastic picture
Warm antibody autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Polychromasia and Spherocytosis present
Megakaryocytosis marrow seen in Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura
Myeloid Metaplasia
Polycythemia vera
Subleukaemic Leukaemia Abnormal cells present White cell count normal or decreased
Aleukaemic leukaemia No abnormal cells
WBC Count usually decreased below normal
Diagnosis from marrow aspiration
Hairy cell leukaemia Neutropenia, Splenomegaly, hair cells seen.
Acute non- lymphocytic Leukaemia
Myeloblasts Total count usually more than 1, 00, 000
Macrocytic Normochromic Anaemia
Severe Thrombocytopenia
PAS Positive, Sudan black positive,
stains with Romanowski stain
CML All series of cells seen Myeloblasts greater than 10, Increased Basophils, eosonophils, thrombocytes
C.L.L( B Cell disease) Small lymphocytes increased.
Blasts are rare.
Auto immune hemolytic anaemia present.
Pro- lymphocytic Leukaemia Large lymphocytes with prominent nucleolus
Eosinophillic Leukaemia Eosnophils increased
Burkit’s lymphoma "Starry sky" appearance in Lymphnode biopsy

HemophiliasDeficient Factor
Hemophilia A Factor VIII Deficiency
Hemophilia B Factor IX Deficiency
Hemophilia C Factor XI Deficiency
Para hemophilia Factor V Deficiency
Pseudohemophilia (Vascular Hemophilia)Von Willebrand’s disease