Commonest Site of Lesions
Commonest Site of Lesions
Erysipelas | Face and scrotum |
Cellulitis | Scrotum and scalp |
Sebaceous cyst | Scalp, Face, Scrotum |
Keloid | Sternum, face and Neck |
Lymphangioma and hemangioma | Tongue, lip |
Carbuncle | Back, nape of neck and shoulders |
Nodular Leprosy | Face, arm |
Implantation dermoid | Hand and finger |
Dermoid cyst | External angle of eye |
Subcutaneous lipoma | Shoulder, back and buttock |
Perforating ulcer | Under the base of first metatarsal |
Lupus vulgaris | Face and arm |
Instrumental perforation of oesophagus | Cricopharyngeal area |
Dercum’s disease | Trunk |
Soft fibroma | Face |
Gangrene by ergot | Fingers. Nose and ear |
Phlebolith | Pelvic veins |
Molluscum Fibrosum | Neck, trunk and Face |
Sclerosing angioma (Dermatofibroma or Sub Epidermal nodular fibrosis) | Limbs |
Kaposi’s Sarcoma | Limbs |
Granuloma Pyogenicum | Face, fingers, toes |
Corn | Toes, feet |
Callocity | Hand (Gardener’s Hand) |
Malignant Melanoma | Males – trunk Females- leg |
Hutchinson’s Melanotic freckle | Sun exposed areas |
Sub–ungual exostosis | Great toe |
Hyperpigmentation in Addison’s disease | Exposed areas and creases of palms |
Pregnancy tumour | Gums and tongue |
Pseudo tumour in hyperparathyroidism | Jaws |
Erythema Multiforme | Extensor surfaces |
Psoriasis | Knee, elbow, scalp |
Inverse psoriasis | Body folds (severe itching present) |
Miliaria | Covered areas |
Chronic discoid lupus | Face (Tacklike scales) |
Tinea versicolor | Trunk |